Sharing God's Love with Others

Below are some of the outreach projects conducted by House of Clay International Ministries. For more information, please contact our leadership in New Windsor, NY, to connect and bless God's people!

Upcoming events.

Conference Call Info: 720-527-5944  code 3580534

Mondays: Marriage Counseling Upon Request

Tuesdays: Minister's Training; 8:00 pm Zoom (vet through Apostle Randy)

Wednesdays: Bible Study 101; 6:30 pm 

(2nd & 4th Week) Women's MeetingZoom

Thursdays: Men's Meeting Conf Call 

Fridays: Date Night

Saturdays: Bible Study;1:00 pm Conf Call

Sundays: Facebook Live

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Woburn Methodist School

Grenada, West Indies

Students at Woburn Elementary School receive school supplies from House of Clay International Ministries. This mission is carried out annually, providing sports and physical education equipment, pencils, paper, notebooks, shoes, clothing, and other requested materials.

C.O.M.E. Ministries
In partnership with Community Outreach Extension in Wilson, NC.

St. George's, Grenada, West Indies
In partnership with local ministries in Grand Anse, Mardigras, and Apres'toute, Grenada, WI.

Beacon, New York
In partnership with Ambassadors for Christ in Beacon, New York, we preach, teach, and proclaim the Word of God alongside Pastor Eric Motley, First Lady Jamie, and the family in Christ.

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